A monthly retainer program for creative work tailored specifically to your needs. Includes design, photography, marketing, social media, writing, teaching and consulting.
- Headshots and Professional Portraits
- Lifestyle Product and Brand Photography
- Social Media Content
- E-commerce Product Photography
- Real Estate, Architecture, and Interior Design
- Live Event Coverage
- Logos, Identities & Strategies
- Brand Consulting, Creation & Coaching
- Print Layouts including: books, magazines,
catalogs, business cards, annuals etc. - Packaging, Apparel & Large Format
- Newsletters
- Advertisements
- WordPress & Squarespace Website Management (not creation!)
- A Vermont brand studio offering design, photography and social media solutions for Vermonters, small businesses, Womenpreneurs and the cannabis industry.
- Having the power to bring something into being, to evolve something original from one’s own imagination, as a work of art or invention.
Established in 2008 by Jamie Proctor-Brassard
PPA Master Photographer &
Photographic Craftsman
B.A. Graphic Design
Imaginator, Brandicationer
& Word Maker-Upper
20+ Years Experience
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